GCC Ministries Pioneers
Rev. Dr. Harold E. Banarsee
& Evangelist, Sheila Banarsee
GCC Ministries
Our Vision: To be a disciple making church, Developing and Deploying Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ and empowering people to experience God and live out their purpose.
Our Mission:
To fulfill the biblical mandate of the great commissison given to us by Christ(Matthew 28:19-20) in our Community and globally. To mobilize, equip and empower every Christian believer for involvement in the work of the Ministry; to make new and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
"Each One-Win One"
GCC Ministries Global Missions
GCC Ministries USA / Guyana: Transforming lives for Abundant living. Rwanda, African. World Vision / Pastors Delegation Trip. Our Sponsored Child. *Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans ans widows in their disterss and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."-James 1:27
In Rwanda - Bee Keeping Co-operative
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| Grace Church of God
Capoey Lake, Essequibo Coast, Guyana. Leon Harvey Singh, Pastor
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GCC Ministries - Guyana
Queenstown Village, Essequibo Coast, Guyana
Bread of Life,
Christian Community Church 1- Guyana. Rev.Prem Mohan,Pastor
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Christian Community Church 2 -
Guyana. Rev. Prem Mohan, Pastor
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| Grace Church of God & Community Park
Grace Church of God,Capoey Lake,Essequibo Coast,Guyana
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| Welcome! to the website of GCCministries - A Holistic Ministry where we Advance God's Kingdom by reaching people where they are around the globe to experience the trCansformative power of God to transform their lives, families and communities and live out their purpose. �
| GCC Ministries Pioneers: Rev. Harold E. Banarsee & Sheila Banarsee
Planting Churches / Making Disciples